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Delivering Justice
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Harlequin Books
Publication date August 23, 2016
Pages 288
Binding Paperback
Edition Large print
Book category Adult Fiction
ISBN-13 9780373749829
ISBN-10 0373749821
Dimensions 0.78 by 4.21 by 6.62 in.
Original list price $6.25
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: A sexy cowboy comes to the rescue of a beautiful woman who has no idea who she is… 

When Tyler O'Brien finds a woman lying helpless after an ATV accident on his ranch, nothing adds up. Especially his real, sudden attraction to "Red." But aiding the amnesiac only compounds the rich Texas cowboy's doubts. How can he unlock the truth? 

Learning that Red is desperately searching for her twin sister who may have come to harm, Tyler—who doesn't "do feelings"—promises help and protection. Soon he's also burning with desire. As the two race against time to find Red's sister, they're drawn deeper into a complicated mystery. Tyler will have to draw on every ounce of strength to keep this stranger safe…and resist taking her to bed

Book cover for 9780373699285 Book cover for 9780373749829
The price comparison is for this edition
Large print edition from Harlequin Books (August 23, 2016)
9780373749829 | details & prices | 288 pages | 4.21 × 6.62 × 0.78 in. | List price $6.25
About: A sexy cowboy comes to the rescue of a beautiful woman who has no idea who she is… When Tyler O'Brien finds a woman lying helpless after an ATV accident on his ranch, nothing adds up.
from Harlequin Books (August 23, 2016)
9780373699285 | details & prices | 256 pages | 4.21 × 6.62 × 0.59 in. | List price $5.50
About: A sexy cowboy comes to the rescue of a beautiful woman who has no idea who she is… When Tyler O'Brien finds a woman lying helpless after an ATV accident on his ranch, nothing adds up.

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