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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Harlequin Books
Publication date May 24, 2016
Pages 224
Binding Paperback
Book category Adult Fiction
ISBN-13 9780373699094
ISBN-10 0373699093
Dimensions 0.59 by 4.20 by 6.62 in.
Published in Canada
Original list price $5.50
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description:

USA TODAY bestselling author Julie Miller's new series launches with a lawman and social worker who team up to safeguard a baby 

After a near-fatal shootout at his sister's wedding, third-generation lawman Niall Watson comes home to a baby in distress. The abandoned newborn in his neighbor's apartment sends the Kansas City PD criminologist into rescue mode once again. 

Social worker Lucy McKane will do whatever it takes to protect the infant boy entrusted to her care. The tall, sexy ME next door may be clueless about her feelings for him, but Niall's the only one who can keep them safe. As a vengeful killer targets them, desire draws Lucy and Niall dangerously closer. Together, can they find justice and safeguard their newly created family?

Book cover for 9780373699094
The price comparison is for this edition
from Harlequin Books (May 24, 2016)
9780373699094 | details & prices | 224 pages | 4.20 × 6.62 × 0.59 in. | List price $5.50
About: USA TODAY bestselling author Julie Miller's new series launches with a lawman and social worker who team up to safeguard a baby After a near-fatal shootout at his sister's wedding, third-generation lawman Niall Watson comes home to a baby in distress.
Lgr edition from Harlequin Books (May 24, 2016)
9780373749638 | details & prices | 288 pages | 4.20 × 6.62 × 0.78 in. | List price $6.25

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