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Goodnight, Mister Lenin: A Journey Through the End of the Soviet Empire
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Jump down to see edition details for Goodnight, Mister Lenin: A Journey Through the End of the Soviet Empire: Paperback
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Trans-Atlantic Pubns
Publication date April 1, 1994
Binding Paperback
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9780330329620
ISBN-10 0330329626
Dimensions 0.75 by 5.50 by 8 in.
Weight 0.70 lbs.
Availability§ Out of Print
Published in Great Britain
Original list price $19.95
§As reported by publisher says people who bought this book also bought:
One More Ride on the Merry-Go-Round | A Fortune-Teller Told Me
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: The author of this book was travelling the length of the Amur - the great river that marks the boundary between Siberia and China - in 1991 when news broke of the conservative coup to depose President Gorbachev. A few days later the ship's tannoy announced that the coup had failed and its leaders fled - the political leadership of the Soviet Union was evidently in disarray. The collapse of the Communists' vast empire seemed imminent and Terzani resolved to discover what the peoples of the 15 Soviet republics thought about the stunning news from Moscow. In the weeks that followed he travelled westward to Siberia, crossing Central Asia and visiting the republics of the Caucasus, where the disintegration of the repressive Soviet regime was resulting in a wave of fervent nationalism and violent unrest. The search for the leftovers of the old empire brought him to discover the new force surging from the ashes of Communism: Islam and the prospect of a Unified Central Asian Republic - Turkestan. Terzani presents an overview of turbulent Central Asia, complete with historical flashbacks and travellers' observations, helping to create an understanding of the radical transformation now breaking the former Soviet Union apart.

This edition contains multiple works--typically stories or entire novels--that are found in different collections. Below find each work in this edition grouped by how you can find each.
Book cover for 9780330329620
The price comparison is for this edition
With Heinrich Hoffmann, Roger Moorhouse (other contributor) | from Trans-Atlantic Pubns (April 1, 1994)
9780330329620 | details & prices | 5.50 × 8.00 × 0.75 in. | 0.70 lbs | List price $19.95
This edition also contains Hitler Was My Friend
About: The author of this book was travelling the length of the Amur - the great river that marks the boundary between Siberia and China - in 1991 when news broke of the conservative coup to depose President Gorbachev.
Editions for the work Hitler Was My Friend
Book cover for 9780330329620
The price comparison is for this edition
With Joan Krakover Hall (other contributor), Heinrich Hoffmann, Tiziano Terzani | from Trans-Atlantic Pubns (April 1, 1994); titled "Goodnight, Mister Lenin: A Journey Through the End of the Soviet Empire"
9780330329620 | details & prices | 5.50 × 8.00 × 0.75 in. | 0.70 lbs | List price $19.95
This edition also contains Goodnight, Mister Lenin: A Journey Through the End of the Soviet Empire
About: The author of this book was travelling the length of the Amur - the great river that marks the boundary between Siberia and China - in 1991 when news broke of the conservative coup to depose President Gorbachev.

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