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Lights Out
Chris Grabenstein and
James Patterson
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Bibliographic Detail
Jimmy Patterson
Publication date
July 13, 2015
Book category
Juvenile Fiction
1 by 5.75 by 8.75 in.
0.86 lbs.
Original list price
Other format details
juvenile says people who bought this book also bought:
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Daniel X | Game Over | Demons and Druids | Game Over | Armageddon | Armageddon | Daniel X Watch the Skies
Summaries and Reviews
The price comparison is for this edition
With James Patterson |
from Jimmy Patterson (July 13, 2015)
9780316207454 | details & prices | 263 pages | 5.75 × 8.75 × 1.00 in. | Rec. grade levels 7-9 | 0.86 lbs | List price $17.00
With James Patterson |
Large print edition from Jimmy Patterson (July 13, 2015)
9780316404617 | details & prices | 341 pages | 6.00 × 9.00 × 1.00 in. | Rec. grade levels 7-9 | 1.00 lbs | List price $19.00
With James Patterson |
from Jimmy Patterson (May 3, 2016)
9780316207478 | details & prices | 263 pages | 4.00 × 6.00 × 1.00 in. | Rec. grade levels 7-9 | 0.50 lbs | List price $7.99
With James Patterson |
from Gardners Books (July 16, 2015); titled "Lights Out: (Daniel X 6)"
9780099567295 | details & prices | 263 pages | 5.50 × 8.75 × 0.75 in. | 0.65 lbs | List price $16.90
With James Patterson, Dieter Liepsch (other contributor) |
from Springer Verlag (April 1, 1991); titled "Biofluid Mechanics: Blood Flow in Large Vessels : Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium Biofluid Mechanics and Biorheology June 25-28 1989,"
9780387527307 | details & prices | List price $119.00
This edition also contains Biofluid Mechanics: Blood Flow in Large Vessels : Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium Biofluid Mechanics and Biorheology June 25-28 1989,
This edition also contains Biofluid Mechanics: Blood Flow in Large Vessels : Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium Biofluid Mechanics and Biorheology June 25-28 1989,
With James Patterson, R. R. Love, F. X. Bosch, D. K. Hossfeld, C. D. Sherman |
5th ed. edition from Springer Verlag (November 1, 1990); titled "Manual of Clinical Oncology"
9780387527697 | details & prices | List price $45.00
This edition also contains Manual of Clinical Oncology
This edition also contains Manual of Clinical Oncology
CD/Spoken Word
With Aaron Landon (other contributor), James Patterson |
Unabridged edition from Little Brown & Co (July 13, 2015)
9781478953333 | details & prices | 5.25 × 6.00 × 0.75 in. | Rec. grade levels 7-9 | 0.30 lbs | List price $23.00
With James Patterson |
from Turtleback Books (May 3, 2016)
9780606383158 | details & prices | Rec. grade levels 7-9 | List price $18.40
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