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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Plenum Pub Corp
Publication date January 1, 1980
Binding Hardcover
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9780306403316
ISBN-10 0306403315
Availability§ Out of Print
Original list price $110.00
§As reported by publisher
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: In 1941, The Rockefeller Foundation sent a team of three American agricultural scientists to Mexico to survey the pros­ pects for increasing grain production there. The nature of the program that was subsequently established by the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations has had a large influence upon the evolu­ tion of agricultural research for the developing countries, and the project grew into what is now called the Green Revolution. The Green Revolution has been vastly successful because there was abundant research and technology available to draw upon. Now the Green Revolution has evolved into a very complex program of development; the momentum has slowed; and it appears that the time has come to reconstruct the research base which underlies the cropping systems for the third world. What are some of the problems that we face? The expanding world population is taking up more living space just when land is urgently needed to feed the 6.3 billion persons projected for the year 2000. The causes of the population problem are deeply imprinted in the social pattern of most countries, and certainly there are no simple solutions in a nation unwilling to restrain population growth. The problem of population growth, and others like it, is very much a sociological problem.

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The price comparison is for this edition
from Plenum Pub Corp (January 1, 1980)
9780306403316 | details & prices | List price $110.00
About: In 1941, The Rockefeller Foundation sent a team of three American agricultural scientists to Mexico to survey the pros­ pects for increasing grain production there.

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