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The Librarian Of Basra: A True Story From Iraq
By Jeanette Winter (illustrator) and Jeanette Winter
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When war comes, Alia Muhammad Baker, the librarian of Basra, fears the library will be destroyed, so she asks government officials for help, but they refuse, which means Alia must take matters into her own hands to protect the books that she loves.
School and Library
Book cover for 9780152054458
The price comparison is for this edition
from Houghton Mifflin (January 1, 2005)
9780152054458 | details & prices | 32 pages | 8.25 × 11.00 × 0.25 in. | Rec. grade levels Preschool | 0.80 lbs | List price $17.99
About: Presents the true story of how Alia Baker, the librarian of the Basra library, and her friends managed to save the books of the library before the library was burned to the ground during the 2003 Iraq War.

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