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Foundations of Finance + Myfinance Student Access Code Card: Logic and Practice of Financial Management
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Prentice Hall
Publication date July 9, 2009
Pages 624
Binding Paperback
Edition 6 pap/psc
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9780138011260
ISBN-10 0138011265
Original list price $206.67
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description:
KEY BENEFIT: Keown allows readers to see the big picture by letting them understand the logic that drives finance rather than memorizing formulas. Very user friendly, the basic pedagogical approach to the presentation of new tools and techniques is “say it” then “illustrate it with an example” and reinforce with lots of “real world examples”. As well as including strong international coverage some key topics are: Financial Markets and Interest Rates; Understanding Financial Statements and Cash Flows; Time Value of Money; Risk and Return; Bond and Stock Valuation; Capital-Budgeting Techniques and Practice; Cash Flows and Other Topics in Capital Budgeting; and Current Asset Management. For an enduring understanding of the basic tools and fundamental principles upon which finance is based.

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6 pap/psc edition from Prentice Hall (July 9, 2009)
9780138011260 | details & prices | 624 pages | List price $206.67
About: KEY BENEFIT: Keown allows readers to see the big picture by letting them understand the logic that drives finance rather than memorizing formulas.

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