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Psychology in Perspective
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Prentice Hall
Publication date November 1, 2000
Pages 639
Binding Paperback
Edition 3 sub
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9780130283269
ISBN-10 0130283266
Dimensions 1.25 by 7.25 by 9.75 in.
Weight 2.30 lbs.
Availability§ Out of Print
Original list price $194.60
§As reported by publisher
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description:

Carol Tavris and Carole Wade once again set a new standard with this exciting alternative to traditional treatment of psychology. Psychology in Perspective, 3/e, responds to the American Association for the Advancement of Science's Project 2061, which calls upon all scientists to teach for depth of understanding rather than breadth of coverage. The authors have reorganized the traditional material according to the five major perspectives in the field and offer an unbiased presentation of each perspective's strengths, limitations, and misuses. The text emphasizes the importance of understanding all five approaches in order to grasp the "big picture" of human experience. Explains and studies human behavior from the biological, learning, cognitive, sociocultural, and psychodynamic perspectives. For individuals interested in an alternative approach to psychology.

With Carol Tavris, Carole Wade | from Addison-Wesley (April 1, 1999); titled "Psychology Perspective 97"
9780201393934 | details & prices | List price $57.33
Book cover for 9780065009880 Book cover for 9780130283269 Book cover for 9780130283283 Book cover for 9780673983145
With Carol Tavris, Carole Wade | 3 stg edition from Prentice Hall (December 19, 2000)
9780130283283 | details & prices | 272 pages | List price $76.20
The price comparison is for this edition
3 sub edition from Prentice Hall (November 1, 2000)
9780130283269 | details & prices | 639 pages | 7.25 × 9.75 × 1.25 in. | 2.30 lbs | List price $194.60
About: Carol Tavris and Carole Wade once again set a new standard with this exciting alternative to traditional treatment of psychology.
2nd edition from Longman Pub Group (November 1, 1996)
9780673983145 | details & prices | 595 pages | 7.50 × 10.25 × 1.25 in. | 2.50 lbs | List price $66.00
With Nina Nikolaevna Berberova, Leo Tolstoy, Leonard J. Kent, Constance Black Garnett | from Harpercollins College Div (December 1, 1994)
9780065009880 | details & prices | 8.25 × 10.25 × 1.00 in. | 2.45 lbs | List price $41.51
This edition also contains Anna Karenina, Anna Karenina, Anna Karenina

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