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Anatomy, Physiology, & Disease: Foundations for the Health Professions
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher McGraw-Hill Science Engineering
Publication date February 22, 2013
Pages 663
Binding Paperback
Edition 1 pck pap/
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9780077774486
ISBN-10 0077774485
Dimensions 1 by 8.50 by 10.75 in.
Weight 3.45 lbs.
Original list price $130.30
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: In Roiger/Bullock, connections are made between systems so that students learn how the body functions normally in homeostasis, and how disruption of homeostasis leads to disease and disorder. With a straightforward writing style that engages the reader directly, the authors explain difficult concepts in the context of daily activities, making them easier to grasp. A one-column design and brand new art program also makes the content more inviting and facilitates comprehension in students. Chapters are mapped out by specific learning outcomes so that there are no surprises, and all exercises throughout the text, workbook, and digital ancillaries are directly tied to these measurable outcomes. Integrated digital content includes Body ANIMAT3D and audio pronunciations.

Roiger and Bullock’s text requires no prior knowledge of chemistry or cell biology, and is designed for a one-semester, entry-level A&P course.

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The price comparison is for this edition
1 pck pap/ edition from McGraw-Hill Science Engineering (February 22, 2013); titled "Anatomy, Physiology, & Disease: Foundations for the Health Professions"
9780077774486 | details & prices | 663 pages | 8.50 × 10.75 × 1.00 in. | 3.45 lbs | List price $130.30
About: In Roiger/Bullock, connections are made between systems so that students learn how the body functions normally in homeostasis, and how disruption of homeostasis leads to disease and disorder.
from McGraw-Hill Science Engineering (January 15, 2013)
9780073402116 | details & prices | 663 pages | 8.25 × 10.75 × 1.25 in. | 3.40 lbs | List price $114.35
1 csm wkb edition from McGraw-Hill Science Engineering (January 11, 2013); titled "Anatomy, Physiology, & Disease: Foundations for the Health Professions"
9780077401511 | details & prices | 376 pages | 8.25 × 10.50 × 0.75 in. | 1.80 lbs | List price $52.55

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