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10 Little Rubber Ducks
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Harpercollins
Publication date February 1, 2005
Binding Library
Edition 1
Book category Easy Fiction
ISBN-13 9780060740764
ISBN-10 0060740760
Availability§ Publication Cancelled
Original list price $20.89
Other format details juvenile
§As reported by publisher
Summaries and Reviews
Based on a true story, an amusing tale tells about ten rubber ducks who, after being tossed overboard a ship during a storm, find themselves floating alone on the high seas--reaching lands and meeting people far away from their original destination. description: Product Description:

Ahoy! All aboard for a world of learning and fun!

"Ducks overboard!" shouts the captain, as a giant wave washes a box of 10 little rubber ducks off his cargo ship and into the sea. The ducks are swept away in various directions. One drifts west, where a friendly dolphin jumps over it. A whale sings to another. But as the sun sets, the 10th little rubber duck is left all alone, bobbing helplessly on the big wide sea. Small readers and listeners will empathize with the little duck's plight—and will rejoice at the heartwarming surprise ending.

In this poignant and funny story, illustrated with strikingly designed collages, Eric Carle takes readers on an exciting voyage of discovery. Following the little ducks as they float to all parts of the globe, young explorers can see for themselves the meanings of directional words and learn simple math concepts, such as counting and the use of cardinal and ordinal numbers. Each creature the ducks meet is seen in its own habitat and behaves in a true-to-life manner, offering a very simple first view of biology and geography.

"A wonderful read-aloud for storytimes or one-on-one sharing. It's a definite 10," commented School Library Journal in a starred review. "Beautifully composed illustrations," said Booklist. "As sublimely simple and endearing as the playthings it portrays," agreed Publishers Weekly.

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Board book edition from Harperfestival (January 26, 2010)
9780061964282 | details & prices | 34 pages | 5.00 × 7.00 × 0.75 in. | Rec. grade levels Preschool | 0.60 lbs | List price $7.99
This edition also contains 10 Little Rubber Ducks
Brdbk new edition from Harpercollins Pub Ltd (May 6, 2008)
9780007243808 | details & prices | 32 pages | 5.25 × 7.00 × 1.25 in. | 0.65 lbs | List price $10.80
This edition also contains 10 Little Rubber Ducks
1 edition from Harpercollins Childrens Books (June 1, 2005)
9780060740757 | details & prices | 28 pages | 8.75 × 12.75 × 0.75 in. | Rec. grade levels Preschool | 1.50 lbs | List price $21.99
About: When a storm strikes a cargo ship, ten rubber ducks are tossed overboard and swept off in ten different directions, in a story based on a factual incident.
from Harpercollins Pub Ltd (February 7, 2005)
9780007202423 | details & prices | 36 pages | 9.50 × 12.25 × 0.75 in. | 1.70 lbs | List price $20.25
This edition also contains 10 Little Rubber Ducks
About: In this book with a sound chip, young children can get swept away with 10 little rubber ducks.
Book cover for 9780060740764
The price comparison is for this edition
1 edition from Harpercollins (February 1, 2005)
9780060740764 | details & prices | Rec. grade levels Preschool | List price $20.89
About: When a storm strikes a cargo ship, ten rubber ducks are tossed overboard and swept off in ten different directions, in a story based on a factual incident.

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