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To See the Buddha: A Philosopher's Quest for the Meaning of Emptiness
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Harpercollins College Div
Publication date June 1, 1992
Binding Paperback
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9780060621261
ISBN-10 0060621265
Availability§ Publisher Out of Stock Indefinitely
Original list price $24.95
Other format details religious
§As reported by publisher says people who bought this book also bought:
The Experience of Buddhism | The Buddhist Religion | Zen Action/Zen Person | On Being Buddha | Understanding Buddhism
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description:

Malcolm David Eckel takes us on a contemporary quest to discover the essential meaning behind the Buddha's many representations. Eckel's bold thesis proposes that the proper understanding of Buddhist philosophy must be thoroughly religious--an understanding revealed in Eckel's new translation of the philospher Bhavaviveka's major work, The Flame of Reason. Eckel shows that the dimensions of early Indian Buddhism--popular art, conventional piety, and critical philosophy--all work together to express the same religious yearning for the fullness of emptiness that Buddha conveys.

Book cover for 9780060621261 Book cover for 9780691037738
Reprint edition from Princeton Univ Pr (November 29, 1994)
9780691037738 | details & prices | 262 pages | 6.25 × 9.25 × 0.75 in. | 0.85 lbs | List price $60.00
The price comparison is for this edition
from Harpercollins College Div (June 1, 1992)
9780060621261 | details & prices | List price $24.95
About: Malcolm David Eckel takes us on a contemporary quest to discover the essential meaning behind the Buddha's many representations.

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