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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Harpercollins
Publication date June 1, 1971
Binding Hardcover
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9780060137298
ISBN-10 0060137290
Availability§ Out of Print
Original list price $19.95
§As reported by publisher
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: When Guy Sajer joins the infantry full of ideals in the summer of 1942, the German army is enjoying unparalleled success in Russia. However, he quickly finds that for the foot soldier the glory of military success hides a much harsher reality of hunger, fatigue, and constant deprivation. Posted to the elite Grosse Deutschland division, with its sadistic instructors who shoot down those who fail to make the grade, he enters a violent and remorseless world where all youthful hope is gradually ground down, and all that matters is the brute will to survive. As the biting cold of the Russian winter sets in, and the tide begins to turn against the Germans, life becomes an endless round of pounding artillery attacks and vicious combat against a relentless and merciless Red Army. Sajer's perspective as a German foot soldier makes The Forgotten Soldier a unique war memoir, the book that the Christian Science Monitor said "may well be the book about World War II which has been so long awaited." A work of stunning force, this is an unforgettable reminder of the horrors of war.

Book cover for 9780933852822 Book cover for 9781574882858
Ill sub edition from Potomac Books Inc (November 1, 2000)
9781574882858 | details & prices | 465 pages | 6.25 × 9.25 × 1.50 in. | 1.70 lbs | List price $32.95
from Buccaneer Books (June 1, 1991)
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About: When Guy Sajer joins the infantry full of ideals in the summer of 1942, the German army is enjoying unparalleled success in Russia.
Reprint edition from Nautical & Aviation Pub Co of Amer (November 1, 1988); titled "Forgotten Soldier"
9780933852822 | details & prices | List price $22.95
The price comparison is for this edition
from Harpercollins (June 1, 1971); titled "The Forgotten Soldier."
9780060137298 | details & prices | List price $19.95
About: When Guy Sajer joins the infantry full of ideals in the summer of 1942, the German army is enjoying unparalleled success in Russia.
Book cover for 9781574882865
from Potomac Books Inc (November 1, 2001)
9781574882865 | details & prices | 6.25 × 9.25 × 1.25 in. | 1.50 lbs | List price $19.95

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