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Silent World of Doctor and Patient
Jay Katz
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Bibliographic Detail
Macmillan Pub Co
Publication date
April 1, 1986
Book category
Adult Non-Fiction
0.50 by 6 by 9 in.
0.90 lbs.
Out of Print
Original list price
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Summaries and Reviews
Discusses the rights and duties of patients and physicians, looks at the legal doctrine of informed consent, and suggests ways to improve the doctor-patient relationship description: Product Description: In this eye-opening look at the doctor-patient decision-making process, physician and law professor Jay Katz examines the time-honored belief in the virtue of silent care and patient compliance. Historically, the doctor-patient relationship has been based on a one-way trust-despite recent judicial attempts to give patients a greater voice through the doctrine of informed consent. Katz criticizes doctors for encouraging patients to relinquish their autonomy, and demonstrates the detrimental effect their silence has on good patient care. Seeing a growing need in this age of medical science and sophisticated technology for more honest and complete communication between physician and patients, he advocates a new, informed dialogue that respects the rights and needs of both sides. In a new foreword to this edition of The Silent World of Doctor and Patient, Alexander Morgan Capron outlines the changes in medical ethics practice that have occurred since the book was first published in 1984, paying particular attention to the hotly debated issues of physician-assisted suicide and informed consent in managed care.
With Alexander Morgan Capron (other contributor) |
Reprint edition from Johns Hopkins Univ Pr (October 10, 2002); titled "The Silent World of Doctor and Patient"
9780801857805 | details & prices | 296 pages | 6.00 × 9.00 × 0.75 in. | 0.95 lbs | List price $29.00
The price comparison is for this edition
from Macmillan Pub Co (April 1, 1986)
9780029187609 | details & prices | 6.00 × 9.00 × 0.50 in. | 0.90 lbs | List price $13.95
About: Discusses the rights and duties of patients and physicians, looks at the legal doctrine of informed consent, and suggests ways to improve the doctor-patient relationship
About: Discusses the rights and duties of patients and physicians, looks at the legal doctrine of informed consent, and suggests ways to improve the doctor-patient relationship
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