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The Times Complete History of the World
By Richard Overy (editor)
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Harpercollins Pub Ltd
Publication date September 30, 2010
Pages 432
Binding Hardcover
Edition 8 slp
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9780007315697
ISBN-10 0007315694
Dimensions 1.75 by 11 by 15 in.
Weight 7.55 lbs.
Published in Great Britain
Original list price $121.90 says people who bought this book also bought:
The Times Comprehensive Atlas of the World
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: The ultimate work of historical reference From cavemen to the Cold War, from Alexander the Great to global warming, from warfare through the ages to the great voyages of exploration, The Times Complete History of the World is the book that has all the answers. This is the most comprehensive, authoritative and accessible work on world history available today. It has sold over 2.25million copies and has been translated into 18 other languages since its first publication in 1978. With a narrative scope covering the origins of mankind right through to the turmoil of the 21st century, this book is an unrivalled and breathtaking accomplishment. With over 600 full-colour maps and charts on a wide range of historical subjects and representing the work of a team of professional historians, this new edition continues a tradition of nearly thirty years of excellence, style, authority and cutting-edge design. This edition is also internet-linked. Readers can follow the weblinks in the book to acess the most up to date information permitting further in-depth exploration of key subjects. With fully up-to-date text, including material on Iraq and Afghanistan, terrorism, Israel and the EU, this book, edited by leading modern historian Professor Richard Overy, is broad-ranging and more visually enticing than ever. Updates for the eighth edition include: - New material on the United States - The most up-to-date research on prehistory - Reworked spreads on the Middle East, including a new spread on Iran - Current information on the global economy, the global environment, warfare and world terrorism - New introduction - Short biographies of 100 key figures in world history.

Book cover for 9780007315697
The price comparison is for this edition
8 slp edition from Harpercollins Pub Ltd (September 30, 2010)
9780007315697 | details & prices | 432 pages | 11.00 × 15.00 × 1.75 in. | 7.55 lbs | List price $121.90
About: The ultimate work of historical reference From cavemen to the Cold War, from Alexander the Great to global warming, from warfare through the ages to the great voyages of exploration, The Times Complete History of the World is the book that has all the answers.

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